A few days back I was watching a boxing match featuring a local boxer named Jordan Gill, from here in the UK. He was fighting a plucky Mexican fighter named Cesar Juarez who the commentators informed us runs a very successful business (so fights out of love for the sport rather than necessity). Gill had lost a 2019 match up that could’ve seen him in line for a title fight, and this was his big chance (after covid delays) to get back to being a top tier contender. While Juarez had the energy and persistence of ten men, he couldn’t quite control and bout and I’m pleased to say that Gill won. Happy days! Who’s to say that it’s only humans that can face off against each other though, let’s take a look at how Crown Melbourne Casino and Baden-Baden Casino square up against each other.
The Crown Melbourne is a casino and resort located in Melbourne, Australia. It’s a distinctive feature on the bank of the Yarra River and the complex is spread over 510,000m² featuring hotels and a promenade. It opened in the 1990’s. The casino itself is open 24 hours a day and has 3500 poker machines which gives you an idea of the vast scope of the venue. It allows for play of all of the best known table casino games such as blackjack, poker craps, baccarat and roulette. As impressive as the Crown M,elbourne is thought, we live in a world where online casino options can be just as varied and stand-out. Checking out the best best australian online casino is certainly testament to that.
Baden-baden has a lot to offer. It’s a world renowned casino, but also a resort, spa and conference centre wrapped into one. Situated on the outside of the Black Forest mountain range, it first became popular with gamblers in the 1830 following the banning of gambling in France. Marlene Dietrich declared it “the most beautiful casino in the world” and to this day it has lost none of its appeal. Much in the same way that variety was the stated spice of life where Australia was concerned the same is the case if you’re in Germany or enjoy German casinos. Visit here for an online casino experience that faithfully replicates all of your favourite casino games such as roulette, poker and a myriad of slots options.
In summing up really it’s hard to separate these two prestigious establishments. They both have a stellar reputation, loyal clientele and a professional and welcoming atmosphere. The casino games and experience they offer is second to none. Unlike the Jordan Gill fight, this match up has to be declared a draw!